Attention all Space Travellers
Fasten your seatbelts; you
are about to land on Planet
Ok, now all Marxist, Communist,
Maoist, and Socialist tree-swingers – listen up!
So, during the cold war,
we divided the third world and forced most of them into unfair trade and tariffs
agreements … Ok, so we may have occasionally interfered with the body-politic
of some countries. Ok then, perhaps we sponsored a few coup détats here and there:
Those on the lunatic fringes
of the proletariat claim that when the small agricultural country of
This may be true, but
then, we were only helping our friends the French reclaim what was rightfully theirs,
all along: the whole of
We also stopped the
dreaded domino-effect and prevented
Let me tell you why we have a military presence in 132 of the 191 countries
of the UN – you won’t read that in your little red book or in the manifesto of
Mad Marx. Yes, tree swingers, that’s right! It is to protect democracy and freedom,
to shield the world from evil and to rid OUR planet of all wickedness and communists.
In short, to look after your interests ... yes people, your interests …work
with me here!
The radicals on the extreme left will tell you otherwise. They claim that
we are the only nation in history to have ever dropped atomic bombs on civilian
They argue that even if the first bomb was justified, that the second was
an abomination. Well … we won didn’t we? It shortened the war and saved many of
our soldiers lives, didn’t it?
Some nutty university professors believe that our invasion of
They go on and on with this blame game, should not have gone into
Get a grip Loonies! Don’t you know that we are the world’s only
superpower? Ok we may harbor hegemonic ambitions, but we are on the side of
good and, we want OUR world to be free and democratic. Sure, we may have to
drop a few bombs on you now and again … to liberate you, but hey, rest assured that
we only have your best interests at heart – have faith people.
Trust us, the more prosperous and powerful we become, the more benefit YOU
will derive from the trickle down effect. You know, yes you do … the bit about greed
being moderated by greed – until it spills over to you mob. Great, isn’t? Too
Don’t listen to the prophets
of doom, when they tell you that our current foreign policy of pre-emption and
laser-guided missile programs will plunge the world into the abyss of Armageddon.
What nonsense!
Don’t listen to them,
it’s only leftist propaganda. Naaahh! It will never happen …
All the way with G
God bless our
Kindly turn the lights out
as you leave the Planet.
Alain Leveque