Once again we are approaching the end of the year, but this time
it will match with the end of the decade as well.(the new decade will start on 1 January 2011).
This is another special occasion to make the point
of the current sociopolitical situation.
We all know that throughout the history, the path
of humanity towards civilization, democracy and freedom have been irregular
with several ups and downs.
In the post World
War II, the biggest change was in
late 80s and early 90s when the collapse of the
However, after a big step ahead towards democracy
in the 90s, the first decade of the first century of the new millennium has
seen a stagnation in this path and even several backlashes, with new virtual
cold (economical and political) wars between giants like
United States, Russia and China.
The increasing conflict in the
Middle East, the surge of Al Qaeda and the
western military interventions in
The hunger for natural resources has also caused
that democracy and human rights have been put behind economic goals, with the
de facto a new consolidation of strong
dictatorships allied with big superpowers hungry for raw materials.
The worst economic crisis in 80
years has shown us all the limits our modern society in protecting the
population, with the increasing perception amongst the population of many
"shadowy economic powers" behind the politics: this is leading to an
increasing apathy towards politics and the electoral system even in the most
democratic countries.
As said above and as history teaches us, the path
towards civilization is hard and frequently full of obstacles and kickbacks.
After a fruitful "up" in the decade
of the 1990s and a disappointing "down" in the decade of the 200s, we
hope the upcoming decade will follow a new "up" towards
democracy and freedom.
The most important thing, in my opinion, is that
people should never fall into apathy, because the true essence of democracy
means we are in charge and politicians are due to represent and serve us and
not the opposite.
We must feel that and fight for our rights,
otherwise we will give the green light for a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats to
serve their own interests and play their own games which are often
incompatible with the interests of the people.
We are in charge, we must not forget it!