2009: A turning point after hitting the bottom?
The dire global economical situation is not a mystery to anybody: every day’s news shows the bleak landscape of what we can expect for the next months.
Moreover, we are facing gigantic political problems around the world, with conflicts and hot and cold wars spread almost all over.
But there is hope. Barack Obama’s election as president of
Now it is more evident than ever that all the achievements and also all the problems –especially in the economy -- in the United States are universally contagious; a more positive image of this great country is more important than we can imagine.
The influence of the
That’s why the widespread perception that he will adopt a more pragmatic stance is greeted with optimism by most. That is extremely important -- a good starting point, I would say.
What can we expect for next year then?
According to all the forecasts, the world economy will be in very bad shape in early 2009 and the new American government will need to take all necessary steps to revive the American economy first.
Regarding international politics, Mr. Obama
will need to make a very important decision regarding the proposed missile
shield slated to be built in
That will affect tremendously the relationship between
It would be extremely advantageous to develop a profitable relationship with a more moderate president in order to end the financing of terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.
The more complex problem concerns
Here the relationship with
What about the
The Bush administration has neglected Latin America, and
this has helped strengthen
dangerous authoritarian governments like those in
While eyes should always be kept open for the sudden death of Fidel Castro – which could trigger some turbulence in the Cuban government -- the main problem is now centered in the aggressive Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who is seeking conflicts everywhere in the continent.
Mr. Chavez will try to stay in power despite losing a referendum and it will trigger a reaction of Venezuelan society in the coming years.
Ecuadorian president Correa has also shown on many occasions his disgust for democracy and the opposition in his country, and he is pushing for a new Constitution which would amass most of the power in his hands.
Mr. Obama’s administration should
be firm and committed to the democratic process of the
In Europe, the European Union, the
Finally, we are there again:
Mr. Obama has a tremendous
opportunity to work out some solution on this problem during his administration, and to help
The hurdles are obviously many and complex, but they can be overcome with the willingness of all parts.
So, there is hope. We are aware of the difficult times we are facing, but our hope is that after reaching the bottom early in the year, 2009 will close with some achievements in politics and some glimmers of hope for the economy.
We humans will be challenged in 2009. We need to show our best part and come out stronger and more united. Let’s start to work it out together.