Will criminals in the future be tracked by microchip implants?

Individuals who are facing charges are entitled to a competent criminal attorney to represent them. But as criminal attorneys struggle under an ever increasing caseload of repeat offenders and non-violent crime, solutions are being presented to address this problem - on all levels from the courts to the prisons. One method that is being used is where persons who have committed a low level crime are placed under house arrest and monitored with a global positioning system device. Authorities can access information about the persons whereabouts at all times and if the ankle bracelet is removed or out of contact with the personal tracking unit, the authorities are immediately notified. The incentive for more states to adopt the use of these devices is to free space in prisons for those who must be kept out of society. But as the prisons become more overcrowded, alternative measures are being sought, with the use of implanting criminals with microchip or radio frequency identification tags, as a means of monitoring repeat offenders such as pedophiles, topping the list. This method of tracking individuals is also in response to the call for increased security in the United States following the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001. Many criminal attorneys who have defended individuals who have committed terrorist acts are aware that there are those who feel that GPS tracking does not go far enough and see microchip implants as the perfect solution. But criminal attorneys understand that the legal system is fashioned in a way that makes this proposal difficult to implement. Beyond the human rights and civil liberty organizations protests, lie the very real issue of the technical problems with these devices. Not only is there the issue of safeguarding access to the information, but there is also the danger that these microchips could be subject to the same viruses that have crippled the computers of major corporations. If the use of microchips to track criminals becomes a reality, criminal attorneys know that it will also beg the question of how will the rights of law abiding citizens be protected? What will happen if a criminal brings legal action as a result of microchip implantation? Even though the criminal has a diminished right to privacy, the use of microchip implants might be defeated by use of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. For the present time, law enforcement will have to continue using the GPS tracking methods until these issues can be resolved regarding microchip implantation in criminals. You can read the original full research article [How fair is installing tracking microchips to criminals? Does this violate human rights?] at Criminal Lawyer Group